Social Networks
Litt, D. M., Lewis, M. A., Spiro, E., Aulck, L., Waldron, K. A., Swanson, A., & Head-Corliss, M. K. (2018). #drunktwitter: Examining the relations between alcohol-related Twitter content and alcohol willingness and use among underage young adults. In Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 193, 75-82.
Starbird, C., Dailey, D., Mohamed, O., Lee, G., & Spiro, E. (2018). Engage early, correct more: How journalists participate in false rumors online during crisis events. In Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Cesare, N., Lee, H., McCormick, T., Spiro, E., & Zagheni, E. (2018). `Data in the wild': Promises and pitfalls of using big social data for demographic research. In Demography, 55 (5) , 1979-1999.
Zeng, L., Almquist, W., & Spiro, E. (2017). Let’s workout! Exploring social exercise in an online fitness community. In Proceedings of the iConference.
Zeng, L., Starbird, C., & Spiro, E. (2016). #Unconfirmed: Classifying rumor stance in crisis-related social media messages. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), Poster Paper.. AAAI.
Starbird, C., Spiro, E., Edwards, I., Zhou, K., Maddock, J., & Narasimhan, S. (2016). Could this be true? I think so! Expressed uncertainty in online rumoring. In Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Arif, A., Shanahan, K., Chou, F., Dosouto, Y., Starbird, C., & Spiro, E. (2016). How information snowballs: Exploring the role of exposure in online rumor propagation. In Proceedings of the ACM 2016 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
Andrews, C., Fichet, E., Ding, Y., Spiro, E., & Starbird, C. (2016). Keeping up with the Tweet-dashians: The impact of 'official' accounts on online rumoring. In Proceedings of the ACM 2016 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
Spiro, E., Matias, J. N., & Monroy-Hernandez, A. (2016). Networks of gratitude: Structures of thanks and user expectations in workplace appreciation systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). AAAI.
Spiro, E. (2016). Research opportunities at the intersection of social media and survey data. In Current Opinion in Psychology, Social Media and Applications to Health Behavior , 9, 67-71.
Zeng, L., Starbird, C., & Spiro, E. (2016). Rumors at the speed of light? Modeling the rate of rumor transmission during crisis. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. IEEE.
Almquist, Z. W., Spiro, E., Butts, C. T., Jones, E., & Faas, A. (2016). Shifting attention: Modeling follower relationship dynamics among US emergency management-related organizations.
Spiro, E., & Monroy-Hernandez, A. (2016). Shifting stakes: Understanding the dynamic roles of individuals and organizations in social media protests. In PLOS ONE, 11 (10) ,
Fitzhugh, S. M., Gibson, C. B., Spiro, E., & Butts, C. T. (2016). Spatio-temporal filtering techniques for the detection of disaster-related communication. In Social Science Research, 59, 137-154.
Spiro, E., Almquist, Z. W., & Butts, C. T. (2016). The persistence of division: Geography, institutions, and online friendship ties. In Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 2, 1-15.
Reed, P. J., Spiro, E., & Butts, C. T. (2016). Thumbs up for privacy?: Differences in online self-disclosure behavior across national cultures. In Social Science Research, 59, 155-170.
Sutton, J., Gibson, C. B., Phillips, N. E., Spiro, E., League, C., Johnson, B., Fitzhugh, S. M., & Butts, C. T. (2015). A cross-hazard analysis of terse message retransmission on Twitter. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 112 (48) , 14793-14798.
Bae, S., & Howe, W. G. (2015). GossipMap: a distributed community detection algorithm for billion-edgedirected graphs. In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing,Networking, Storage and Analysis, Supercomputing 2015, Austin, TX, USA, November15-20, 2015, 27:1–27:12.
Spiro, E., & Almquist, Z. (2015). Social Interaction in Activity-Based Online Communities. In Joint Statistical Meetings.
Williams, J. A., & Spiro, E. (2015). Tweeting the Japanese general election of 2014 – A first look. In First Annual Conference on Voting, Elections, and Electoral Systems.
Reed, P. J., Spiro, E., & Butts, C. (2015). Using Facebook Data to Examine Culture and Self-Disclosure Behaviors. In iConference.
McCormick, T., Lee, H., Cesare, N., Shojaie, A., & Spiro, E. (2015). Using Twitter for demographic and social science research: Tools for data collection. In Sociological Methods and Research, 46 (3) , 390-421. Sage Journals.
Sutton, J., Gibson, C. B., Spiro, E., League, C., Fitzhugh, S., & Butts, C. T. (2015). What it takes to get passed on: Message content, style, and structure as predictors of retransmission in the Boston Marathon bombing response. In PLoS ONE, 10 (8) , e0134452.
Rzeszotarski, J. M., Spiro, E., Matias, J. N., Monroy-Hernández, A., & Morris, M. R. (2014). Is anyone out there? Unpacking Q&A hashtags on Twitter. In Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Note.
Spiro, E., Sutton, J., Fitzhugh, S., & Butts, C. T. (2014). Online communication dynamics during natural hazard events. In Proceedings of the International Communication Association Annual Conference.
Sutton, J., Spiro, E., Johnson, B., Fitzhugh, S., Gibson, B., & Butts, C. T. (2014). Terse message amplification in the Boston bombing response. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM).
Sutton, J., Spiro, E., Johnson, B., Fitzhugh, S., Gibson, C. B., & Butts, C. T. (2014). Warning tweets: Serial transmission of warning messages during a disaster event. In Information, Communication, and Society, 17 (6) ,
Spiro, E., Acton, R. M., & Butts, C. T. (2013). Extended structures of mediation: Re-examining brokerage in dynamic networks. In Social Networks, 35, 130–143.
Monroy-Hernández, A., & Spiro, E. (2013). How Brazilian protesters are using Twitter. In The Guardian Datablog.
Sutton, J., Spiro, E., Greczek, M., Johnson, B., Fitzhugh, S., & Butts, C. T. (2013). Tweeting the spill. In International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 5 (1) , 58–76.
Sutton, J. N., Spiro, E., Greczek, M., Johnson, B., Fitzhugh, S. M., & Butts, C. T. (2012). Connected communications: Network structures of official communications in a technological disaster. In L. Rothkrantz, J. Ristvej, and Z. Franco (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM).
Spiro, E., Sutton, J., Fitzhugh, S., Greczek, M., Pierski, N., & Butts, C. T. (2012). Rumoring during extreme events: A case study of Deepwater Horizon 2010. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Science 2012 Conference (WebSci12), 275–283. ACM.
Eppstein, D., & Spiro, E. (2012). The h-index of a graph and its application to dynamic subgraph statistics. In Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 16 (2) , 543–567.
Spiro, E., Dubois, C. L., & Butts, C. T. (2012). Waiting for a retweet: Modeling waiting times in information propagation. In Workshop on Social Network and Social Media Analysis: Methods, Models and Applications. Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS). Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Eppstein, D., & Spiro, E. (2009). The h-index of a graph and its application to dynamic subgraph statistics. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS), 278-289.